“Man is neither angel nor beast, and unhappily whoever wants to act the angel, acts the beast.”
Blaise Pascal (1623 – 1662)
A Death Sentence has been passed on mankind by others that intend or pretend to be more than human. Blaise Pascal warning is as true today as it was then: the new threat to human existence is not poised by earthly gods, but by emotionally handicapped human minds turned demonic, subhuman below the threshold of visionary awareness. The old Evil with new shiny clothes.
(The musical excerpts in this article correspond to the arragement of Rev. 18 for strings and midi “ah!” voices)
The Boschian landscape promised by the new demigods, and sold as utopia (“you will own nothing, you will be happy”) is rather a horrific transhumanist and genocidal agenda. This ultimate dystopia will be ushered in via Death Passports, the true door to hell on earth.

Death Passports go beyond the traditional association with the “mark of the Beast” of Revelation 13 (although that too). They are in their final form an astonishing recreation of the old hermetic adagio: “that which is below, is like that which is above”. The engineering of a quasi-celestial EMF aura, a true spiritoid body of self-assembling structures, an ethereal nano-network that will eventually connect the human mind/body entity to a higher intelligence, a cosmic calculatory power, a “cloud” bathing the world with the benignity of its prescience and omnipresence, like the World Soul of old: the anima mundi.

Humans may have finally fulfilled the oedipal dream of living in that tepid Olympus-like feeling of wellness and completion, the Plato’s Cave economy ticket to the infinity of fulfillment: the metaphysical, multiversical charade of moving shadows within our cranial walls. Once again, like dandelion seeds above the ocean waves, floating in uncertain clouds happy and free, being like gods, forever basking in the inner warmth of the maternal, nocturnal womb just before our final dissolution. Damp and sterile.
And once again, in this our historic puppet theatre reason, art, and science will be discarded, derided, censored, and trampled upon. And like below, that which is above, our new “gods” will become inarticulate brutes and, understandably, haters of a spiritually forsaken mankind. Slaves once again, pitifully again, sentenced to torture and death should they dare as much as to read an unlisted book. Books, again burned. Men, again burned. Masters’ reason will rely solely on calculation and strategical cruelty, its art that cruelty newly churned, its science that cruelty duly updated. The all-seeing eye, all-feeling tentacle of the A.I. Elohim. The human venture may end as such. However far we may think we can travel into space, or planets we can modify to hold life, there is an invisible wall waiting for us: our insatiable greed and our penchant for destruction will be the end of utopia, just as it always was.
The End of Reason

The suppression via censorship and other forms of violence of reasoned argument and discussion brings about inevitably a return to the symbolic understanding of the world. This “inevitable” outcome is due to the simple fact that language is emptied, divested of adequate and workable referents, and, truly, perverted in its efficacy to articulate and understand our immediate world view, its budding understanding (hic labor est), and to envision it otherwise: a language that is now repetitive magnetically stored rhetoric; a slogans’ grand show, so to say. A system of aural stimuli that enslaves as much the masters as the slaves.
The view that language works well enough as it is, can only be held by those who use it merely in such affairs as could be
C. K. Ogden and I. A. Richards (see illustration above)
conducted without it -the business of the paper-boy
or the butcher, for instance, where all that needs to be
referred to can equally well be pointed at.
Both masters and slaves will live and be directed, not so much by authoritarianism (that is the effect), but by a symbolic superstructure that has existed since the beginning of consciousness (that is the cause), and that can be identified in certain mythological motifs and prophetic and revelatory literature.

Homicide committed for personal reasons is a statistical rarity in all cultures, including our own. Homicide for unselfish reasons, at the risk of one’s own life, is the dominant phenomenon in history […] To say it once more, man’s tragedy is not an excess of aggression, but an excess of devotion.
Arthur Koestler, Janus: A Summing Up
We can easily find periods in history in which similar circumstances, the imminent threat of a all-destructive Evil takeover, took place. A well-studied case (from which not many lessons have been learned, however often mentioned) is the late Roman empire. This period saw the rise of Christianity and the horrific and abject persecution of its adherents. Christianity, despite all odds against it, prevailed: the Christian people (now the Church) had won a long and bitter victory over the brutality of the ancient world. And yet, it failed to provide the new system with what for a modern, more philosophically acute perspective (and a much safer spectator’s seat) would constitute a fully “rational” structure. Authority, fervour, and surely strong beliefs and religiousness were the means by which official Christianity not only shaped the budding Western societies, but also became the referent for both moral and legal matters. While at the same time coexisting with older layers of pagan administration; that is, a model without strong rational, but fully impulsive grounds as we see over and over in Western history and even today. Today, when reason is still but a banner of instinctual, emotional chaos.
“The church of Constantine and his successors, embedded as it was in the stressed environment of the late empire, was radically different from that of earlier times. It was in this context that the suppression of rational thought took place.”
Charles Freeman, The Closing of the Western Mind: The Rise of Faith and the Fall of Reason
It was, then, just a question of time. We failed to articulate the answer to the initial question posed by the Sphinx: the question about the one facing the enigma being the enigma itself, the Sphinx being his mirror reflection. Perhaps, or just because the answer cannot be articulated in a rational manner after all. And so its opposite, the irrational and violent censorship of everything that questions the Sphinx-like blindness and ignorance, its brute force, and planned conscripted slavery (with its genocidal collateral damage) takes now its final place; all disagreement dismissed with overwhelming violence. Blind Power is just a victim, as we other, humans, are of a Nature divorced from Reason, and Reason divorced from Meaning, or better still, meanings. Instead a wicked reasoning derides Nature, sawing off as it proceeds the branch upon which it inevitably sits. On nature we stand, on nature we fall.
Today, as far as the Western cultural areas are concerned, the weakened impetus of the Christian practice and dogma, dragging down with it much of the dignity of men and their divine lineage or spiritual identity, has allowed once again the animal layers of the human psyche to resurface, this time to the point of threatening the whole fabric of life on Earth. This time with weapons deadly enough to kill all life for good. Again in the name of progress and utopia, in the name of a new god. Again abomination and desloation.
New World Order‘s Antiquated Philosophical Tenets
In his book The Closing of the Western Mind: The Rise of Faith and the Fall of Reason, Charles Freeman makes some very interesting remarks regarding the legitimacy of the Christian dogma from the perspective of reasoned argument. I quote:
“Why was the suppression of reasoned argument so important? Reason is a means of finding truths through deductive and inductive logic. These truths may be valuable in themselves in helping us understand who we are […] but they have also […] transformed human life. We are free to apply the fruits of reasoned thought to some of our greatest needs, in many areas with enormous success. Yet built into a tradition of rational thought is the necessity for tolerance.”

And he continues:
“It is the only way in which it can progress. Reason also provides external standards of truth, often, for instance, from empirical evidence. This helps take personal animosity out of debates in that disputes over the interpretation of external evidence are normally less abrasive than those between human beings struggling to assert or maintain their personal authority. History suggests that conflicts between religions tend to be more destructive than those between scientists! [This may need qualifications, as we approach the end of the first quarter of our 21st century]. In this sense, the price to pay for the assumption that there can be doctrinal certainty has been a heavy one.” (My emphasis).
And this is the stumbling block of the new transhumanist dystopia: there can be no tolerance whatsoever, let alone true progress for humanity, only bondage and enslavement. In contemporary Western societies this state of affairs can be fully categorized as Evil. Not a simple deviation from political, economic, or financial standards but a fully recognizable symbolic category in itself: Evil.
Humans, our new demigods appear to conceive, are cattle and stock. Animals as such in which no empathy or effort should be invested other than the immediate and egotistically profitable; ironically, the true antithesis of the philanthropic inclination the overtakers, new and old self-appointed masters preach with a rather macabre dissonance. Our earthly lords have nevertheless promoted us humans from a needles hindrance to an upgradable merchandise; still useless feeders, but now also laboratory rats in the brand-new experiment of the coming and hellishly planned utopia of a new transformed humanity. A new dawn of no-men and dreamed-of demons.
This has historical precedents too: it is called slavery, torture, and human sacrifice. It is the worst that our species has to offer. And it is fashionable still among those in charge to “change the world”, and remake it in their own liking. It is once again progressive to inflict poverty, starvation, and murder upon other human beings at the largest possible scale.

Philosophically there is nothing other than predatory aims in all this so-called progressive stance. Eugenics, now via transhumanism, is a questionable 19th century entertainment for a British idle class of aristocrats, merchants, with a pinch of philosophants. An unsavoury stock that had no qualms in letting untold millions die in order to grow profitable crops, or buying tea for nothing. Masters of slaves in a society about which they understood nothing about and with which they failed (they abhorred would be the word) to mix at all. But Malthus* is here to stay, and the push for world governance by psychopaths, financiers, decrepit aristocrats and royals demand some kind of justification for their genocidal actions. The “Gaia” theory is the closest vagueness this incrustratious elite has to a philosophical standpoint: “save the planet…”, by killing the people, and paradise will be restored. By the hand of a few imperfect, self-predestined men.

The Return of Symbols
I could not agree more with Freeman. In a sense it is as if we have left a perspective of Christianity behind that is most needed right now, when humanity is suffering a relentless attack by a coterie of freshmen tyrants with the new translated gospel of leaving no-one alive. And that includes themselves, merged forever with some meta-technology bio-neuro-whatever-machines, solacing in a depopulated planet Earth and forever drinking their elixir of Life. A truly Unholy Grail resembling more the cup of abominations mentioned in Rev. 17: 4-5* .

The cancelling of reason is another perspective from which to look at the re-mythologization (for lack of a better word) of the human world; not that it ever left us, but was kept well at bay by a good dose of rational criticism, the one that is under heavy censorship right now, as we descend to the lower layers of our brains in search, fatally, for answers: it is there that the symbolic world resides too, as a kind of corpus callosum that connects vertically (marries perhaps) the human, the mammalian, and the reptilian.
I tried to show in Surveillance or “the seven eyes of God” that the clearest way to understand what is happening to the world, our world, at a spiritual level, is immersing ourselves newly into the symbolic world that structures our conscious selves, and which offers a veritable treasury of meaning to the pangs and joys of the human condition. A world that articulates the forces at play in our every-day life, every-day war, in a visionary manner. Symbols, images, archetypes of existence that provide a guide to our own psyche, allowing her to recognize elements of itself that otherwise would remain mostly obscure. Symbols are not entries in a psyche’s dictionary but emotionally charged images or complex of images structured in such a way that they convey meaning to us: they tell a story about something we will never know enough about, and that is the basis for our actions and feelings (or the lack of them).
The so called “cancel culture” is a symptom, not a plan however well employed by the powerful and their attending sycophants. The sickness is an old one, a chronic disease that plagues humanity from the start, and that it always ends up badly.[2]It was a while after I finished this article that I became acquainted with Arthur Koestler’s Janus: A Summing Up. The author, a remarkable man with truly remarkable experience, takes a moment … Continue reading There is no political, economic, or financial solution to the attack that humanity is suffering: it is humans against humans, certainly, but more exactly the archetypal world that possesses the mind of men against their own humanity:
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6:12
There is an enemy, and that enemy is a part of ourselves that we do not know much about, but that we have portrayed innumerable times in the arts and the visionary texts, attempting to probe into the darkness of our own soul, and the traces left behind by everything that was alive and came before us. That are us, and in us. John of Patmos did it, Dürer, Goya, and William Blake did it, Shakespeare masterfully gave it the word, and so many other masters of their art. Like many other artists and visionaries in each and every culture, however humble, that has roamed this earth since we somehow “arrived”.

“The problem of human existence is the forgetfulness of the Divine essence of the Self and the identification with the body as the Self.”
Egyptian Book of The Dead – Source
When the body is the only thing divine, the body is the only thing demonic too. And this is the bottle neck in which human affairs get periodically, and unfailingly stuck.
Reason, then, was not strong enough to stop this now flagrant attempted genocide. We used its immense power to craft the very means by which we intended to destroy ourselves by proxy: there is always an enemy at hand, but the result is that we are just postponing our own inarticulate and irrational doom. Reason was arrogant, and, just as a a city, Reason could be thought of as the true Whore of Babylon, of which John speaks in Rev. 17: 2* . We used Reason like a harlot, to serve our desires and weaknesses, and now (as in Rev. 17) it has transformed itself (mutated would be more to the point) into a Gorgon, a horrific dragon and a parody of what it truly was meant to be: the gift of Light.
And now we are left just holding a candle in the wind. Once again.

We are waiting in the queue, some pushed into the Final Boat Trip (the awake), some (the asleep) eager to obtain their Death Passports to remain in non-being, in forgetfulness, in the land of the Lotofagii. No question anymore to be allowed out in the light, the free air, and the spectacle of a starry night mirroring our hopes and aspirations, dreams and anxieties too. Our soul. Our gods.
Only they are no more. In a complete reversal of Rev. 22: 4-5* , its demonic parody, with the New Death Passports, obtained effortlessly from our surrogate androgynous State, we travel freely into the dreamless night of a subhuman Dantesque infernal nightmare.

↑1 | PDF for broken links here. |
↑2 | It was a while after I finished this article that I became acquainted with Arthur Koestler’s Janus: A Summing Up. The author, a remarkable man with truly remarkable experience, takes a moment to look back at his work and draws some interesting and informed conclusions about humankind as a whole. I agree with much of it. |