The only way to spiritually understand current world events, and in particular the unrelenting attack on Christians (and its correlative consequence, the savage assault on the dogma of human biological essence as the image of God) is to view these events as the workings of absolute Evil. And certainly, Evil comes. Absolute Evil.
Evil can be approached as an archetype of human behavior. It has always accompanied us, and much of the human civilizing effort has been employed in gaining ground from Evil. Now, in its absolute humanicidal degree, its structure and procedures are revealed, its operations evident: a horrifying vision that can only be understood from a visionary perspective, of which Evil is a distorted and perverse copy.
Regardless of any political, social, or personal orientation of whichever kind one new perception of our immediate contemporary society seems perfectly clear and established: there is a new paradigm at work dictating the actions of a large number of people, a new behavioral gradient as such, that is characterized by the erosion of traditional identities and a good deal of destructive elements. This new paradigm has adopted Nietzsche’s view that destruction, a destruction beyond morality or measure, must precede the rebuilding and construction of a new world, a super-human elite served by a lower race of genetically modified transhuman slaves. The simmering destruction and perversion of all human institutions goes on relentlessly without catching the public eye. Every day, every hour.
At a time when a large part of mankind is beginning to discard Christianity, it may be worth our while to try to understand why it was accepted in the first place. It was accepted as a means of escape from the brutality and unconsciousness of the ancient world. As soon as we discard it, the old brutality returns in force, as has been made overwhelmingly clear by contemporary events.
Carl Gustav Jung, Symbols of Transformation [341]
Minorities, factions, and social splinters of any kind seem to be paving the way for a global societal suicide that targets the image-of-what-it-was, as the-thing-that-is. But that does not apply anymore, and for a long time has not. True, minorities need and should demand the protection of their host traditional societies, but these societies are far from being the burdened predators they were. They are, mostly, culturally-based judeo-christian societies hanging on by a thread to their future and identity. They were not doing well in any case, but the remedy to that is not a wholesale holocaust.

Those that demand the demise of these societies and cultures do not really offer a clear alternative other than echo the catastrophic slogans of a new utopia. New in words, but a very old maniacal obsession, a fear that whispers in the ears of the powerful: people is your enemy, future your death. The old edifice was crumbling, infested as it was with the termites of murderous pride and false arrogant assumptions. Now there will be no need of a hurricane to bring the whole structure down. And then, once again, only Satan and Christ will be left face to face to tempt and challenge each other while the crowds, or even the remnant, awaits in the valley below for the coming of one or the other.
The book of Revelation is not a prophecy, it is the anatomy of Evil.
Juscheld (see below)
The idea of renewal through destruction is old, ancient to be sure. It is found in Eastern and Western thought alike under the guise of mysticism and religion, or political and philosophical inquiry. But it is also that, the obsessive compulsion of every tyrant, psychopath, deviant or deranged mind in any walk of life.
That view of things is here again, the cycle has run another course: Orc, as William Blake saw it, has arrived; and due to its characteristic deep split between its sheer animalistic traits and its contrasting or over-compensatory genocidal rationality (dressed-up in a scientific guise of sorts, hardly) the possibility of reconciliation with a more balanced, less destructive path into the future is quickly approaching an impossibility. But we are in a jungle, and we must continue making our way through it.

The monster’s heads and horns have surfaced above the human ocean, dripping with blood, and has stamped its feet upon the peoples, the nations, the tongues, the rulers and the kings. There is only one, and only one human category that can comprehend the depth and extent of this experience: Absolute Evil.
Let me retake Jung’s initial quote at this point:
“At a time when a large part of mankind is beginning to discard Christianity, it may be worth our while to try to understand why it was accepted in the first place. It was accepted as a means of escape from the brutality and unconsciousness of the ancient world. As soon as we discard it, the old brutality returns in force, as has been made overwhelmingly clear by contemporary events [referring to Nazi Germany and the holocaust]. This is not a step forwards, but a long step backwards into the past. It is the same with individuals who lay aside one form of adaptation and have no new form to turn to: they infallibly regress along the old path and then find themselves at a great disadvantage, because the world around them has changed considerably in the meantime. Consequently, any one who is repelled by the philosophical weakness of Christian dogmatism or by the barren idea of a merely historical Jesus—for we know far too little about his contradictory personality and the little we do know only confuses our judgment—and who throws Christianity overboard and with it the whole basis of morality, is bound to be confronted with the age-old problem of brutality. We have had bitter experience of what happens when a whole nation finds the moral mask too stupid to keep up. The beast breaks loose, and a frenzy of demoralization sweeps over the civilized world.”
(Emphasis mine).
‘By the pricking of my thumbs/Something wicked this way comes.’
William Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act , Scene
The “age old problem of brutality”, indeed. Who could possibly deny it after seeing it, repeatedly, with our own eyes. Absolute Evil is absolute denial, the denial of the human essence itself, and that is what we are facing right now. Once again. Absolute Evil has no name, but a multitude of names. It is a behavioral structure that takes over human social (and individual) life, and sets it on a self-destructive path. Genocide or planned population reduction is an example of that structure having taken over the decision centers of our society and proceeding to its final destruction: no matter how optimistically utopian or futuristic we may conceive the other side of the catastrophe, destroying or perverting humanity reflects the failure to understand its dynamics, and this will vitiate any attempt to make it anew, or “reset” is as such. We have had genocide and holocaust before, but only now we have the means of finishing the job completely. Many many things can, and will go wrong.
“We like to imagine that our primitive traits have long since disappeared without trace. In this we are cruelly disappointed, for never before has our civilization been so swamped with evil. This gruesome spectacle helps us to understand what Christianity was up against and what it endeavoured to transform.”
C. G. Jung, Symbols of Transformation
Like all behavioral structures transhumanism and genocide (since they go hand in hand) do not live only in the books, club meetings, and seminars: it is supported by an ideological apparatus that in its turn is sustained by a particular imagery, its symbolic environs as such. This is ultimately where its true essence and strength comes from, even when the robes no longer suit. The symbolic cloud that surrounds transhumanist genocide, like a fetid cloud that follows it and announces it, has an ancient cultural baggage to support it. We find it in mythology, and specifically Christian religion, who is its archenemy, its natural enemy and opposite.

Christian religion, understood as a an edifice of writings, symbols, and rituals, provides the symbolic framework that allows us to understand absolute Evil as the perversion or corruption of human will, or in some cases as a type of subspecies of human will. In this way absolute Evil can be identified as an actor in the cosmic drama, its aims exposed and its ultimate fate put in check. To recognize Evil is to identify humanity’s ultimate adversary. Absolute Evil often has the upper hand, to the point in which it looks more like a human cycle than a historic “accident” of any kind. But its fate is bound to the symbolic network in which Evil is inevitably enmeshed, and this network includes the “good”, the “poor”, the “people” as a necessary referent. Evil, in its present form, is inevitably a Christian reality. Perhaps even the unavoidable result of it.
The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat? saith the Lord.
Jeremiah 23:28
It goes without saying that Christianity is only one religion among others that deals with the problem or reality of evil. (And this would make a truly illuminating comparative study). The novelty of the Christian view is its militant rejection of Evil, its aspiration to completely detach itself from Evil, especially in its form of absolute Evil, which is what John of Patmos experienced and put down in writing. Christians, evil as they can turn out to be in action or omission, and very possibly because of this, have declared war on Evil. And thus Evil strikes back with all the cruelty and refinement of true perversion: we have trained Evil to be absolute Evil.
The more this referent of “the good”, “the poor”, “the people” is repressed, stifle, censored, or persecuted, the more it becomes the only choice, and the more it becomes identified with absolute freedom, and its persecutors with sadistic and obscene monsters. And this absolute freedom, inevitable as much for its victims as for their persecutors. Sooner or later. These, the persecutors, take part in a true cosmic drama that, not without a thouch of irony, have awarded them the mission to take part in human destiny as a whole, and Evil’s final defeat. Christianity’s role may be just that, even if its future is then fulfilled and its fate to disappear: defeat and overthrow absolute Evil.
The Lord is Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord, there is Freedom.
St. Jerome
In Symbols of Transformation we read [336]:
“Symbolical truth is exposed undefended to the attacks of scientific thought, which can never do justice to such a subject, and in face of this competition has been unable to hold its ground. The truth, however, still remains to be proved. Exclusive appeals to faith are a hopeless petitio principii, for it is the manifest improbability of symbolical truth that prevents people from believing in it. Instead of insisting so glibly on the necessity of faith, the theologians, it seems to me, should see what can be done to make this faith possible. But that means placing symbolical truth on a new foundation—a foundation which appeals not only to sentiment, but to reason. And this can only be achieved by reflecting how it came about in the first place that humanity needed the improbability of religious statements, and what it signifies when a totally different spiritual reality is superimposed on the sensuous and tangible actuality of this world.”
Transhumanist genocide, the new flavor of eugenics, is nothing but more of the same: an appeal to science to justify suffering and murder, a perversion of science for perverted aims. The promise to improve humanity is an aberration. The education of our children, and certainly not their indoctrination, can do for humanity infinitely more than any set of mutations to our genome. A lived and experienced spirituality, an opening to the door of perception, is what it truly revolutionary about mankind. If anything, it seems that this very carefully planned renewed attack on humanity has pushed the feeble and decaying echo of blind faith demands to the edge of the precipice, where it must learn to fly and embrace the infinite truth of the marriage of Heaven and Hell: the assimilation and exaltation of the gift of reason, science, and the intellect hijacked by the demons that now rule the world. A world that it is as much God as its creation, and that he leased to his favorite and most intriguing fallen angel Satan, the denier. God waged human freedom over death, Spirit over fear, knowing that only freedom and the Spirit can overcome both death and fear. Like Jonah, that light will burst through the belly of the darkness that engulfs this world once again.
John of Patmos is the Virgil of the Christian Bible.

We humans have a long record of atrocities. We read about them all the time, and we know they are perfectly avoidable. We disguise murder and genocide, its motivations, in the shape of the “common good”, but the truth is that at the bottom of it it is just our share in the archetype of absolute Evil, the one that moves the threads and in which we willingly find secret solace: we share in Evil, and only recognizing this simple but blatantly obvious truth we can have hope of doing anything about it.
Jung says [342]:
“We like to imagine that our primitive traits have long since disappeared without trace. In this we are cruelly disappointed, for never before has our civilization been so swamped with evil. This gruesome spectacle helps us to understand what Christianity was up against and what it endeavored to transform. The transforming process took place for the most part unconsciously, at any rate in the later centuries. When I remarked earlier (par. 106) that an unconscious transformation of libido was ethically worthless, and contrasted it with the Christianity of the early Roman period, as a patent example of the immorality and brutalization against which Christians had to fight, I ought to have added that mere faith cannot be counted as an ethical ideal either, because it too is an unconscious transformation of libido. Faith is a charisma for those who possess it, but it is no way for those who need to understand before they can believe. This is a matter of temperament and cannot be discounted as valueless. For, ultimately, even the believer believes that God gave man reason, and for something better than to lie and cheat with. Although we naturally believe in symbols in the first place, we can also understand them, and this is indeed the only viable way for those who have not been granted the charisma of faith.”

by Internet Archive Book Images, via Wikimedia Commons
Yes, and those primitive traits are intricately rigged in an edifice of images and acquired traits or behaviors that supply its symbolical imagery. Today’s so called “satanism”, with all its paraphernalia of satanic or luciferian badges and gowns, and its murderous aberrations, is just new wine in old skins: the human world needs change and renewal, and that was felt by all for a long time. It is only our incapacity that has delegated change and renewal and put it in the hands of unimaginative (but truly malicious) wretches and “philanthropists”. Their isolation, since that is what ails them, has a last resort to an over-compensatory power drive that clothes itself in the tatters and rags of empty imagery and archaic signifiers. It is all of it utterly obsolete, such as empty faith without spirituality can be.
Working with the Book of Revelation has given me, without intending it, certain perspective in today’s world affairs as pertaining to the fight for the soul and essence of man. (You know evil is vying for your soul when the lie becomes flagrant and obvious, and overwhelmingly brutal. You know it is vying for your essence when rape, torture, and murder parade themselves in every twisted smile and demonic sneer.)
The book of John of Patmos is a valid code to decipher today’s world events. It is part of the dogma for more than one reason, but ultimately describes with exquisite minutiae the structure of Evil. Even with a very skeptical approach, it soon begins to dawn on the reader that much of the content and characters in the book describe with worrying precision events and people that plague, or threaten our existence. This is not new, much to the contrary it is what many generations after John of Patmos have seen in the book, while experiencing in their own time.
The book of Revelation is not a prophecy, it is the anatomy of Evil.
Many may have already identify the:
- Mark of the Beast (now injectable) of Rev. 13, without which you may not buy or sell
- Their side effects with the admonishing of Rev. 14. 9-10
- The pandemic(s) with the plagues of Rev. 9, together with those monster armies of mounted scorpions, snakes, which are really sphinx and chimera
- The “Great Reset” as a demonic parody of Rev. 21-22, where we learn about the heavenly Jerusalem, and the discarding of the old sun and moon (the two eyes in the sky)
- Big-Tech as the fourth riders of the Apocalypse: Google, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter usually (mind, eyes, touch, and tongue in their demonic form)
- The big financing cartels and profiteer philanthropists with the Synagogue of Satan in Rev. 2 & 3
- The “swamp” (wherever they may be or travel) with the whoredom of Babylon in Rev. 18 (and money or human traffic like the filthy cup of her abominations)
- The destructive mob with the restless worshipers of the Beast in Rev. 14.11
- The “reptilians” with the children-snatching dragon
- The so-called New World Order with the reign of the Beast in various parts of the book
- The killing of the innocent with the cries in Rev. 7, Rev. 14, and others, the martyrdom of the two witnesses of Rev. 11 with the persecution of brave whistleblowers, senators, congressmen, and men of good
- Maybe also the 42 months of Rev. 13. Whenever the countdown began.
And for the assiduous reader perhaps a few more. So far. It all rings true in every age of the world. The same as Homer, Virgil, Shakespeare, Goethe, or Cervantes, the archetypes of being human, the scaffolding of humanity, the Divine image of man of every race, sex, or tongue, are universals that artists understand and see better. Because they are seers, just like John of Patmos was.
John of Patmos is also the Cadmus of the Christian Bible, sowing visions of discord. The book of Revelation cannot be assimilated, it resembles an instruction manual on how to understand and identify evil, and how it appears to us when we look at it with the eyes of the spirit.

The future may not be mapped, however carefully and ruthlessly planned. It is happening, it is here, just like that Beasts and Dragon in the book of John of Patmos. But it is all part of an ages-old drama, a living myth, a crossroads for humanity that it is set to prevail in Spirit and flesh.
The “Great Reset”, the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”, the “Dark Winter”, the “Great Again”, the mediocre taste of the “Build Back Better”, another cheap 666… It is all part of that drama, and all part of that myth. The whole thing is Christian part and parcel, and could not be expressed in those engaged antagonistic terms otherwise. Only Christians, on whichever side of the spiritual and moral choice, can understand what is going on at a cosmic level (cosmic is the furthest limit of our possible vision). This is the right level to understand it, and the only that makes sense, since you cannot face off absolute Evil with only childhood dreams and prayers. It is our task to divest it of all that belongs to us by right and nature. It has bought and prostituted human ingenuity and effort, and it is time to give it back.
Christianity was a religion of the people for the people. That is why it absolutely prevailed above other practices and religions, some of them deeply spiritual such as Mithraism, Zoroastrianism, and also some mystery cults. It is not about the Spirit, it is about the Spirit being born out of the flesh. About the Spirit being flesh. About the Spirit “sitting down” in the flesh, by choice, not hiding behind the letter of the book or the sacrificial knife. Humanity is the humus from whence the Spirit grows. However else it blows or wishes, it is up to the Spirit and can never be decided by men. And that is why the human flesh, the essence of meaning and ourselves, is truly holy and untouchable. However murdered or defiled.

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