Intro The Yellow Submarine film (link – pdf) tells us about a society in crisis, demoralized, and possibly “decadent” by their own standards. It traces the emergence, attempted assimilation, and ultimate success of the compensatory and highly idiosyncratic messianic surge in that milieu, whose main catalyst was the musical rock and roll/ballad band The Beatles.… Continue reading Notes on The Yellow Submarine Film (1)
Until the End of Time
In seeking the origin of these developments, both common and sacred researchers have invoked a wide range of explanations. For us, an essential guiding light will continue to be Darwinian evolution, applied now to human behavior. Brian Green, Until the End of Time With such a devastatingly demoralizing quote I begin this article: the world… Continue reading Until the End of Time
Death Passports: The End of Reason and The Return of Symbols
“Man is neither angel nor beast, and unhappily whoever wants to act the angel, acts the beast.” Blaise Pascal (1623 – 1662) A Death Sentence has been passed on mankind by others that intend or pretend to be more than human. Blaise Pascal warning is as true today as it was then: the new threat… Continue reading Death Passports: The End of Reason and The Return of Symbols
Surveillance or “the seven eyes of God”
And Evil Comes (2) The vision of the “seven eyes of God” is one of the most mysterious symbols in the whole of the book of Revelation. They are the ultimate vision of God in deep connection with the reality of humankind. It is in this sense that state surveillance of the citizens, understood in… Continue reading Surveillance or “the seven eyes of God”
And Evil Comes
The only way to spiritually understand current world events, and in particular the unrelenting attack on Christians (and its correlative consequence, the savage assault on the dogma of human biological essence as the image of God) is to view these events as the workings of absolute Evil. And certainly, Evil comes. Absolute Evil. Evil can… Continue reading And Evil Comes
The Two Revelations
If, by some twist of fate, only the first eleven chapters of the Book of Revelation had been preserved, the doctrines and dogmas of Christianity would still regard this text as a work of profound religious and spiritual significance. Yet it is in the full span of its twenty-two chapters that the true complexity and… Continue reading The Two Revelations
A multitude in Hell: The Case for ”Globality”
Two nights ago I had a dream. I dreamed of a multitude; I dreamed of the multitude. This multitude, these people, were like pieces of glass blown up high in the sky, each one of them constituting, reflecting as it were the image past of an organized whole: the tower of human endeavor rising up… Continue reading A multitude in Hell: The Case for ”Globality”
Juscheld, Quixote: Metastructure or Vision
In this article I describe Juscheld’s view of the artistic work as visionary structure, particularly in the way an author’s stance and experience of the world structures his or her emotional life, which in turn shapes his or her work. I propose the term “metastructure” as a an approximate, mid-way concept of what the composer… Continue reading Juscheld, Quixote: Metastructure or Vision
Secular vs. Sacred, Popular vs. Cultist
The line between secular and sacred, popular and cultist (at times called classical) in music are diffuse the best of times. Certainly those who take this creative skill seriously, who may have the talent or enjoy the luxury to dedicate their lives to it, know better: none of us I guess would speak of inspiration… Continue reading Secular vs. Sacred, Popular vs. Cultist
Apocalypse as Limit of Signification
The Apocalypse is the limit of signification. For the western mind there can be no beyond it, no possible emotional commitment can be found in anything but the twin Janus faces of the apocalypse: revelation or destruction; the one looking ahead, the other drowning all possible futures in the abyss. Ours is a culture that… Continue reading Apocalypse as Limit of Signification